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Helpful Information

Helpful Information

It is often difficult to adapt when you first move to a new area; more so if that new area is in a new country.

This section is designed to help you locate that elusive item, register on the "Padron" or how to go about visiting the local hospital. In fact anything you need to know to make your life here in Spain easier.

Catastral Information

Catastral Information

Ever wanted to look up the Catastral Certificate for your property? Do you want to see the plot divisions to your location in Spain including the boundaries etc.




Some Useful information about Iberdrola and how to get the best from them. 



This is not meant to be an advice about health problems; more advice on how to get the best out of the health system. The information is based on my wife and my own personal experiences over the last 7 years living on the Orihuela Costa. If you find your system to be different or you can offer further advice please comment! 

In The Garden

In The Garden

Looking after your garden in Spain can be very enjoyable. Here in Spain we contend with a different set of rules to that of colder climates and this brings its own challenges. We hope these articles will help you along the way!



The whole world is suffering unemployment but especially Spain. The process in Spain for claiming unemployment and trying to find a job is very difficult in Spain but not impossible if you work at it. The following might help you with some idea of what you can and cannot do. 

Useful Links

Useful Links

These are some useful links
